The 6 mistakes not to make for an effective sales page

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You wrote a sales page to offer a product developed by you for months? Despite all your efforts, you wonder why sales are not taking off on your website? Selling on the Internet cannot be improvised and certain faults can be very unfortunate for your business. You may have made one of these 6 mistakes on your sales page. Find out what’s stopping your business from growing.

Sales page and landing page: what are the differences?

The sales page and the landing page have a similar structure. However, there are 2 major differences.


The sales page aims to convert the Internet user into a customer, by selling him a product or service. The landing page, on the other hand, tries to collect a prospect’s email address by encouraging them to subscribe to a newsletter, download an eBook or a guide, etc.

The arrival of the visitor on the page

The Internet user arrives on the sales page of a website directly after having clicked on it to obtain information about social media verification agency. The landing page, as its name suggests, is a landing page, that is to say that the visitor is sent there after following a link (advertisement, affiliate link, newsletter or other).

Discover the 6 most common mistakes on a sales page: the ones that won’t increase your conversion rate.

1| Not identifying your target

Photo credit: Unsplashed

To speak to everyone is to speak to no one. To sell a product, you must first define the target (or the persona), know who you are directing the message to. Without this, the reader will not be able to feel concerned. On the contrary, he must recognize and identify himself in order to be touched personally. Showing empathy is showing him that we understand his problem, his questions or his aspirations. However, putting yourself in their shoes will not be enough, it will obviously be necessary to offer them a solution.

2| Sell ​​the product rather than the result

Selling an organic cream against adult acne with the best plants, according to the advice of the largest naturopath in Western Europe, is good. Promising to feel good about yourself, guaranteeing proven results is better. This may seem difficult to accept for a product or service that has been thought out, studied, developed for months or even years. It is essential to keep in mind that the visitor does not come specifically to obtain THIS article (as remarkable as it is), but above all to buy a result. Copywriting is also an excellent method to increase the conversion rate of your website.

3| Do not provide evidence

During the purchase process, the customer is initially in an emotional phase. He is thrilled by what is offered to him if it meets his expectations. But when it comes time to take action (that is to say, to buy), he is overtaken by his rational side. It will then be necessary to bring him evidence to convince him. What better than a testimonial or a photo to attest to the effectiveness of a product? The goal is to build credibility for what’s being sold, through reviews, news articles, partners, and more.

4| Doing Too Much: The Classic Sales Page Mistake

If the sales page aims to push the Internet user to buy, be careful not to overuse superlatives or make false promises for the sole purpose of selling. This type of very (too) inciting content has a negative effect on the prospect. Instead of being tempted, he will press without hesitation on the cross at the top right of his screen. Indeed, such a speech gives the impression of a lack of reliability and seriousness on the part of the website. There are customer-friendly methods for marketing products online, such as inbound marketing.

5| Leave the visitor unanswered

Photo credit: Unsplashed

A user who is asking questions will not take out his credit card. Leaving him with questions or making him doubt could unfortunately make you lose a potential client. For this, it is essential to anticipate his questions in order to reassure him. Submitting a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) allows you to answer any objections. Creating a blog will help him learn about topics close to the product he wants and will strengthen the credibility of the site.

6| Forget the call to action

The call to action, or call to action (CTA), is a statement that encourages the Internet user to take the action sought by the advertiser: buy, subscribe, download, etc. On a sales page, the call to action redirects the visitor to the payment page. Very often, it is at the end of the page, after the testimonials. It is short, concise and simple:

  • I book;
  • discover the eBook;
  • receive my checklist;
  • etc.

A sales page is not written in a hurry and must be specially designed to respond to the persona problem. Beyond selling a product or service, it is the solution to this problem that must be put forward to convert.

Do these errors speak to you? Tell us in the comments what you improved on your sales page to be effective.

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