Facing Issues with Air Pollution? These are the Best Equipment to Combat It for industry


The equipment for air pollution control is a range of devices that work to purify the air and prevent various gaseous or solid pollutants from being released into the atmosphere. The air pollution control equipment removes or eliminates volatile organic compounds, especially from industrial smokestacks. 

The air pollution controldevices have proven effective in reducing the overall emission levels. So, let’s take a look at some of the best pollution control devices mentioned below.

Most effective air pollution control devices


Oxidizers release oxygen as they react on any other substances. These are basically chemicals. It removes harmful air pollutants and convert them into safe, non-toxic carbon.

Oxidizers are of two types: thermal and catalytic. These machines are quite complex and large. Hence, they serve purpose mainly in large factories that release high emissions such as in paper and pulp, printing, food processing, polymer and resin manufacturing, and agriculture to name a few.

Air Scrubbers

Air scrubbers are a type of air cleaning device that helps with air pollution control by removing pollutants through a washing mechanism. The device washes the air in a particular enclosed area by making the air pass through it and cleansing the air either with water or a chemical. These are known as wet scrubbers.

Now, there are also dry scrubbers that draw and collect pollutants through a dry slurry or reagent that is forced into the exhaust stream. The special chemicals present in the slurry capture the large air pollutants that cannot pass through the air filters. The remaining particulates are trapped when the gas stream is forced through the set of filters. Air scrubbers are typically used by industries to remove gas emissions.

Air scrubbers can be used for the removal of particulates and chemicals. Moreover, chemical solutions and absorption techniques are mostly tailored to capture specific contaminants. So, one must ensure that the device is properly configured and well maintained, or else the equipment can leave harmful volatile organic compounds in the atmosphere.

Air Filtration Systems

Based on the type of air pollution, a facility may choose to use air filtration systems for air pollution control. These devices do a great job at regulating air purity while the heat recovery process of the system helps to keep costs down.

Air filtration systems are installed to block pollutants that are invisible to the naked eye. The air filtration systems prevent a number of suspended particulate matters such as dust, microbes, chemicals, gases, and pollen from being released into the air. Such devices help to prevent the spread of major air pollutants that can cause serious allergic reactions or airborne diseases in humans and animals.

Electronic Precipitator

This is an air pollution control device that makes use of static electricity for removing soot and ash. It is mainly used in factory smokestacks and the device filters out mist, large liquids, solid particulate matter, and smoke through a mist collection process. Electrostatic precipitators are one of the most effective air purifying devices as they remove 99% of particulate matter.

Other things we could do to lessen the air pollution

  • We should completely stop the use of plastic bags.
  • We need to do more and more afforestation.
  • It is always better to use fans rather than using air conditioners.
  • Always use filter for chimneys.
  • Forest fire and smoking must be stopped.
  • We need to more recycle and reuse.


So, keep your unique needs in mind while choosing any of a mentioned air pollution control devices and keep your environment clean.

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