5 Super Profitable Business Ideas With Low Investment for Online Sellers

5 Super Profitable Business Ideas

For those who are just starting a business, investment is always a problem that many people worry about. Here are the top 5 low-money business ideas for effective, high-profit online sellers that you should refer to if you don’t know what to do with a small amount of investment in hand.

Finding a creative idea in a time of economic crisis like today must not be easy. Perhaps that’s why, “business to get rich with little investment”, or “business with little capital with high profit” are the keywords searched on the top of Google recently.

Understanding this, Businvestor will share some potential ideas that are easy to operate to help those who do not know how to do business with little investment can now refer and consider having a successful online business!

Small business at home – Sell fashion accessories online

If you have a passion for business but do not know what business investment is now, please refer to the idea of ​​​​selling fashion accessories online! Fashion is one of the most profitable businesses in the world and also owns the largest number of billionaires in the world.

Currently, the demand for beauty in the fashion field is not only for clothes and dresses, but it also has additional fashion accessories such as bags, watches, bracelets, necklaces, earrings. , glasses…
In which, ring and piercing accessories have become indispensable items to create accents and create a distinct fashion style. And this is also one of the most practical home-based business ideas with low investment this year.

Compared to jewelry, these accessories may be easier to sell and more profitable, because fashion accessories are made from different materials such as fine art, copper, etc., focusing on uniqueness and accents. to create a style for the owner, not much in terms of material value.

According to an estimate based on the average estimate, the purchasing power of the fashion accessories industry alone is more than 100 million USD/year and of course, this number is trending up, especially for the accessories. The event is unique and rarely encountered.

To start this effective business idea, you can rent a small area to display and sell or create a fanpage to sell online. Depending on the amount of capital you have, it will usually only account for a relatively small amount of investment because the price is quite cheap, but the interest will often be double or even higher.

Handmade candles – Unique business model

Candle production is a very unique but low investment small business idea in the market that you can try. The demand for candles for lighting today is not high, but with the lines that contain aromatherapy, used for relaxation, it is popular with many people.

There are also several types of candles such as floating candles, wedding candles, 100% beeswax candles and many more decorative candles just a few examples of the many types of candles that you can make and sell yourself. sold at home.

The process of learning how to make candles at home is not too complicated. Let’s start by learning some basics about candles: how they are made, how to use them, and where you can buy the ingredients for the candles. Buy books or tapes that show you how to make candles.

In addition, you can also attend candle-making courses at vocational training centers, practice at candle-making workshops to learn their secrets. Once you have the finished product, you can use eBay or other online shopping sites to sell your product.

Do not ignore the idea of ​​mass production of candles to supply retailers, gift shops, maybe even open their own shops specializing in this item.

Of course, the most important thing is still to ensure safety in the production process. Consider the business idea to get rich with little investment with candle production, maybe you will succeed.

Phone accessories

Smartphones are becoming more and more popular, especially among young people today. Smartphone users do not consider it as a normal means of making calls and entertainment, but also as a means of expressing personality. Therefore, selling smartphone accessories is an effective home business idea, suitable for enthusiasts, who love smartphones and have a unique and outstanding aesthetic.

The advantage of this low-investment business model is that the market demand is high, seasonal products are diverse and can create trends. According to experienced people, opening a small store will cost at least about $ 1500, but the profit from this form of low-capital business is quite high.

Selling handmade goods – Online business ideas with little investment

Advantages: Low investment investment, high market demand when people tend to switch to homemade products. The income is stable and you do not have to worry about problems such as inventory, large surplus of raw materials.

Handmade items are very popular with young people today, it creates a curious attraction for customers. Handmade items are a very meaningful gift to make decorations, souvenirs, save happy moments and bring joy and laughter to each other. This creative low-investment business idea is very suitable for young people who are skillful, gifted in aesthetics.

Handmade products can range from jewelry, clothes, shoes, scarves to lanterns, flower vases, cards, cosmetics…and countless other products. Many young people have succeeded with effective business ideas with low investment with these handmade items. You will not only decorate and beautify yourself, but you can also have a decent income from it.

To prepare for your low-cost start-up business model, you need to equip yourself with certain skills and knowledge about materials, color schemes and product use. In addition, learn about customer needs and the market segment you target. Find raw materials and ways to promote information to customers.

With the current trend, many handmade items are popular, such as bags, fashion accessories, decorations … because of the uniqueness, cuteness, and not afraid to touch the goods, this is a “bargain”. for skillful young people to earn extra income. And because of those advantages, customers are always willing to pay to buy a product that is bold or trendy.

Although this is a small business idea with little investment , for a handmade business, you have to spend a lot of time on it, from finding out which models are popular in the market to starting to work. You can form a group of friends who share this passion to work together more effectively. You can refer to how to make money from making handmade paper flowers. Or you can sell seasonal handmade items eg selling fortune trees for real money ; Handmade lucky money or handmade worship items during the Lunar New Year… Your job is just to find a reputable source of handmade materials that are suitable for your purposes.

Selling junk food online

Selling junk food online is an effective home-based business idea that you should consider. For selling snacks online, you don’t have to pay for location rental, low investment investment , high profit, quick investment recovery. You don’t even need to worry about inventory because the food will usually sell out within a day because when an order is placed, you just start processing the finished product, without worrying about being damaged because of a long time.

As long as you have the “blood to make money” plus a little cooking skill, enthusiastic service, earning high profits with this low-investment start-up business model is not difficult at all.

If you have the conditions to do and deliver both day and night, it will be better. If you do not have much time, you can specialize in selling night food online. This is a fertile business land for you when at night many people are afraid to go out to buy snacks.

However, before implementing this home-based business idea, you need to carefully study the market, see who the audience is, what the trends in food choices are. At the same time, plan to prepare product processing work, advertise on facebook or forum.

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