Your First Infographic Was A Success, What’s Next?

First Infographic

Creating a successful infographic isn’t a walk in the park. Many moving parts such as design, content, data, and delivery need to be perfect, and that’s just half of it. The other half of an infographic’s success is the exposure and traction they get once published.

Many infographics gain traction thanks to many marketing campaigns and visitor engagement. If they’re lucky, they look fantastic and unique enough to grab the attention of many individuals.

If you have already created a successful infographic, you might be wondering what to do next. Before you start churning out new ideas for your following infographic, we’re here to tell you to stop and work with what you have.

Instead of working on something new, you should try to get the most out of your first infographic by focusing on bringing as much exposure, engagement, and shares as possible. Read on below to find out how to maximize your infographic’s potential and boost your company’s SEO today.

Repurpose and publish on different platforms

Publishing your infographic on your site is the first step to distributing it to the public. However, that’s not all you can do. The next step would be to publish your infographic on different platforms. This can be in the form of social media platforms, directories, or even other sites.

Every social media platform has its own unique characteristics. For example, Instagram and Linkedin have different userbases and content. So, to achieve high engagement on both of these platforms, you would have to upload content that fits most of their audiences there. 

Infographics are excellent investments because you can reuse them. This doesn’t mean that you can upload the same image over and over again on different platforms. You can pick and choose what you want to share by cropping or editing certain parts of the infographic. This way, you have a lot of content to use on different platforms.

Maintain relevancy

Maintaining relevancy is easier said than done. Your infographic might be getting loads of engagement and shares in the first week, but you might notice that the numbers will decrease over time. This will happen if you don’t continue to promote the infographic.

So, before you move on to the following content idea, you should continue to share your infographic every once in a while. You don’t need to create a massive campaign for this. Simply give a shoutout on your Twitter or Linkedin. Remember to do it moderately and don’t go overboard.

Lastly, rely on good old link building. If you’re familiar with guest posting, you’re probably familiar with how great it is for SEO and gaining traffic to your website. Even though your infographic might be outdated, you can still share it now and then if the content is still relevant. 

So, if you have an upcoming guest post, don’t forget to link to your infographic. If your infographic did really well, linking to it will do the site a favor as well since you’ll be linking to something valuable. Make sure to link accordingly by choosing the correct anchor text to avoid keyword stuffing. 

Wrapping Up

Creating an infographic and publishing it on your site is just the beginning of a long and fruitful journey for your company. What matters the most is what you do after that. In this case, there are a few steps you should follow to make the most of your infographic and to ensure that you get the traffic and engagement you deserve. Remember to repurpose your infographic and share them on as many platforms as you can, maintain relevancy by sharing them every once in a while, and link to your infographic from time to time. 

Author Bio

Ebnu Sudarso is the Co-founder of Milkwhale, an internationally acknowledged infographic production agency. Graphic design and writing have always been a passion. Over the years at Milkwhale, the company has created and published numerous infographics and great visuals.

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