Total Preventive Maintenance TPM Software


When you’re in the field of Total Preventive Maintenance Software TPM, you know there are different levels to maintenance management. You have much to consider, from dealing with reactive maintenance due to a breakdown, to planning preventative maintenance to mitigate breakdowns, tracking inventory, repair history on equipment, and more. Preventative maintenance software helps companies stay on top of their maintenance issues.

A good CMMS program can help determine the condition of in-service equipment in order to predict when maintenance should be performed. Such an approach means cost reduction when contrasted against routine or time-based preventative maintenance as it allows tasks to be performed only when warranted. Another value offered by a good maintenance program is the allowance of convenient scheduling for corrective maintenance, which helps to prevent unexpected equipment failures. By knowing which equipment requires maintenance, maintenance work can be better planned, and otherwise “unplanned” stops will be transformed into shorter, fewer “planned” stops, thus increasing availability. You can also look forward to:

  • Increased equipment lifespan
  • Increased plant safety
  • Fewer accidents, reducing the impact on the environment
  • Optimized handling of spare parts

Total Preventive Maintenance Software TPM Features

  • Define Total Preventive Maintenance Software TPM at the Task level
  • Establish unlimited number of calendar-based PMs for each asset or location
  • Built-in Planning and Scheduling tools
  • User-definable and manageable preventative maintenance groups
  • Option to automatically generate and e-mail PMs to maintenance departments or requestors
  • Built-in PM Task library to aid in defining PM tasks and procedures (very powerful!)
  • Maintenance Calendar for easy viewing of current and future preventive maintenance activities
  • Multi-featured PM Manager Tool to manage and control PM schedules and settings
  • Update PM tasks and “publish” those updates to associated PM schedules

Maxpanda CMMS is an effective, straightforward system which can be used to design, implement, and manage your company’s preventative maintenance program. It is efficient and cost effective, able to aptly handle facilities and locations of all sizes. This full-featured PM scheduling and tracking system offers a multilevel user configuration, tailor-made for any company that must deal with managing work orders. Whether your organization is a small, single site business with simple maintenance requirements, or a global enterprise with users all over the world and an abundance of maintenance needs, Maxpanda can assist.

The benefits of Maxpanda’s Total Preventive Maintenance Software TPM program

Maxpanda’s preventative maintenance program is saturated with phenomenal features and benefits. Some of the benefits you can look forward to enjoying with our program are:

  • The ability to define preventative maintenance at the task level
  • The ability to establish an unlimited number of calendar-based PMs for each asset or location as needed
  • Built-in planning and scheduling tools
  • User-definable and manageable preventative maintenance groups
  • The option to automatically generate and email PMs to maintenance departments or requestors
  • A Maintenance Calendar that provides easy viewing of both current and future preventative maintenance activities
  • A Multi-faceted PM Manager Tool that helps manage and control PM schedules and settings
  • Easily update PM tasks and “publish” those updates to the associated PM schedules
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